About company
Quality Safety Supplies for Over 16 Years on OMAN
Tanuf Star Trading & Contracting is a wholly Omani owned SME RIYADA Company established to support the government’s call to diversify Oman’s economy, promote entrepreneurship, and build up the Omani SMEs to contribute to the nation’s overall growth. Tanuf Star plays an important role in bringing about job opportunities for Omani nationals in line with the ICV regulation. Tanuf Star represents quality products from various reputable overseas manufacturers that are approved by the major global oil & gas and EPC companies.
New Customers
Items sold
Safety Products
Safety Training
Trusted Logistics
quality safety
Committed to quality products
To enable a Safer, Healthier and Productive work environment for our customers through innovative products and services.
To help improve the Competitive Advantage and Health & Safety Standards of our customers through best in class, fit for purpose and cost effective products and services.
Trusted Safety CLIENTS
We TANUF STAR TRADING & CONTRACTING as an Omani company established on 02nd July 2007 confirms that the information provided below about our Company’s contracts or work Experience is correct and valid.